Sitting on toilet for more than 10 minutes could be harmful, doctors advice

New study from doctors reveal that spending more than 10 minutes on the toilet can be harmful to one’s health.

According to Dr. Farah Monzur, a person is supposed to spend an average of 5 to 10 minutes on the toilet.

Reason being that, “Gravity keeps us grounded on Earth, but that same gravity also forces the body to work harder to pump blood back up to the heart.”

These doctors so reveal that the “open oval-shaped toilet seat compresses the buttocks, keeping the rectum in a lower position than if you were sitting on the couch.”

“With gravity pulling the lower half of the body down, the increased pressure affects your blood circulation.”

Another doctor, Doctor Xue, added that “It becomes a one-way value where blood enters, but blood really can’t go back.”

“As a result, the veins and blood vessels surrounding the anus and lower rectum become enlarged and engorged with blood, increasing the risk of hemorrhoids.”

“Nowadays, we’re seeing an increase in people passing more time on the toilet, and that is very much unhealthy for the anorectal organs and the pelvic floor.”

Monzur mentioned that besides having weak anal muscles and pushing too hard, spending too much time sitting on the toilet can up the chances of rectal prolapse.

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